
Why Some Small Businesses Succeed Where Others Fail

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Why Some Small Businesses Succeed Where Others Fail

Hello and welcome to my blog on all topics related to business. I come from a long line of entrepreneurs. I am one of a few members of my family who have not yet started a business, though that doesn't mean I won't try in the future. My name is Stacy Pascal and I have spent years interrogating family members in order to find out everything I can about what it is like to run a business. I have decided to start blogging about business topics just for fun and so that I can hopefully help someone start and run a successful business.


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Types Of Basketball Shoes That Can Get Top Dollar At A Pawn Shop

If you're a collector of basketball shoes, you might enjoy being on the lookout for new pairs to add to your collection. When you encounter something that is at the top of your price range, one option to consider is getting some money by taking one of your pairs to a local pawn shop. You'll leave the shop with money in your pocket, allowing you to buy whatever new pair you want to have. Pawn shops are often interested in all sorts of basketball shoes, but these types can especially command top dollar.

Signature Editions

Basketball shoe enthusiasts love buying signature editions. This term means that the shoe is endorsed by a high-profile professional basketball player. Many renowned players have numerous signature shoes on the market from one or more leading brands. The biggest names often have new signature edition shoes that come out each year. If you have a pair of signature edition basketball shoes from a desirable player, you can expect that a local pawn shop will be interested.


Autographed basketball shoes can also bring top dollar at a pawn shop. Many avid collectors enjoy adding autographed shoes to their collections. If you enjoy collecting signature shoes, a pair that is autographed by the player whose name is on the shoes can be one of the highest-value pairs in your collection. A pawn shop will be most interested in autographed shoes that have some type of verification about the autograph's legitimacy. For example, if you have a certificate of authenticity that declares the autograph to be real, this will make the shoes more desirable to the pawn shop.

Limited Edition

While a lot of basketball shoes are mass produced, there are also some on the market that are made in limited numbers. Limited edition basketball shoes are highly desirable among collectors due to their rare nature. While it might be challenging for you to part with a pair of these shoes if you have them in your collection, you might also feel ready to do so because of the amount of money these shoes can bring in. If the next pair of shoes you're planning to buy has a high price tag, pawning or selling your limited edition shoes can help to raise the money you need. To learn more about this topic, look online to find a pawn shop in your area that is interested in basketball shoes.