Tips For Preparing For Your Recovery From Dental Implant Surgery
If you intend on getting some dental implants in the near future, you will want to make sure that you are preparing yourself for the recovery time. This way, you can have everything ready for when you come home from the dentist's office. Some of the things that you want to be prepared for include:
You May Need Someone To Help You Into The House
In most cases, patients are sedated when they are having their dental implants put in. Because of this, you will need someone to be there with you that can drive you home once the procedure is done. Also, since it may take a couple of hours for the effects of the sedation to fully wear off, you might want someone to be at your house with you. This is to ensure that you have help with anything you might need. Once the sedation has completely worn off, you should be fine to be left home alone.
There May Be Some Blood For The First Day
You may find that you are going to be bleeding when you first leave the dentist's office, and that bleeding may continue throughout your first day home. However, biting down on some gauze can help soak up the blood and it can help with the formation of blood clots. Change the gauze as it becomes soaked from the blood. You should notice that the amount of blood on the gauze will begin to lessen as the hours pass by. If you do not notice that the bleeding is slowing down or you are still bleeding the next day, you should get in touch with the dentist.
Have Over-The-Counter Pain Medication Ready
Along with having enough gauze at home, you will also want to have a new bottle of over-the-counter pain medication. This way, you can help keep your pain level manageable. You might receive a prescription for a stronger pain killer, but it might only be for a couple of doses. Once those are gone, you will want to rely on what you have there at home.
With those few pointers in mind, you should find that you are going to have an easy enough time getting prepared for your upcoming dental implant surgery. If you want, you can talk to your dentist about anything else he or she might recommend that you do. Once you have done everything you can to prepare, you should feel much more at ease when it comes time to head out for your surgery. Before you know it, the surgery will be over, your mouth will be healed, and you will love your new smile.