
Why Some Small Businesses Succeed Where Others Fail

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Why Some Small Businesses Succeed Where Others Fail

Hello and welcome to my blog on all topics related to business. I come from a long line of entrepreneurs. I am one of a few members of my family who have not yet started a business, though that doesn't mean I won't try in the future. My name is Stacy Pascal and I have spent years interrogating family members in order to find out everything I can about what it is like to run a business. I have decided to start blogging about business topics just for fun and so that I can hopefully help someone start and run a successful business.


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Paving Repairs: Is Your Parking Lot Stressed Out?

If your store stays busy throughout the year, you may expect your parking lot to take a beating from it. You may even hire someone to clean your parking lot after your store closes. But you may not expect to see multiple potholes, oil stains, and other problems on your lot's pavement. Your parking lot could be under a great deal of stress from the things it experiences on a daily basis. Learn why parking lots become stressed out and how you can repair the damages to your pavement below.

Is Your Parking Lot Under Stress?

Many stores choose asphalt as their pavement of choice. Asphalt makes stores and other buildings look attractive and well-kept. However, stress can wear down asphalt over time. Stress can be one of the reasons your parking lot looks bad right now.

Parking lots can come under stress for a number of reasons. Lots can experience stress if they sit in a high-traffic area, such as in the front of a store or in the loading zone in the back of a store. Large vehicles can also place stress on a lot, especially semi-trucks and other heavy trucks. The vehicles can create ruts, fatigue cracks, and even potholes in your lot over time.

Stress can make your parking lot look and feel unsafe in the future. If you act now, you can repair the pavement in your parking lot before it becomes worse.

Is There a Way to Repair Your Store's Lot?

First, call an asphalt paving contractor and ask them to inspect your entire parking lot. If a contractor finds extreme stress in your parking lot's pavement, they may recommend you replace it. Your lot may no longer be sound or safe enough to support traffic.

If the stress in your lot isn't too extensive, a contractor may:

  • fill in the ruts, potholes, and cracks in your lot
  • overlay, or cover, the surface of your lot
  • apply tack coat over your lot

An asphalt repair contractor may use one or more of the solutions above to smooth out and seal the surface of your lot. If you need clarification about the solutions for your lot, speak to a repair contractor immediately.

After the repairs, you can do a number of things to keep your freshly repaired or replaced lot in good condition. You can have large delivery trucks enter your loading station from the back of the store. You can also hire someone to remove the oil and other fluids from your lot throughout the year. You can also have an asphalt paving company inspect the surface of your parking lot regularly.

If you need parking lot services soon, contact an asphalt paving contractor today.